Documentation of Tundra Swan

Observer Information

Reporter:  Mike Henwood   
Other Observers:  none; yes

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Tundra Swan
First Date/Time:  12/5/2008
Last Date/Time: 
Duration (total time in view):  15 -20 minutes
County:  Jefferson
Specific Location:  Bear Creek Lake Park; southern side of Bear Creek Reservoir
Number:  6
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Other/Unknown


110 acre reservoir surrounded by young cottonwoods and shortgrass prairie. used by both Cormorants and Am. White Pelicans.

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Kowa TSN 20 to 60 Variable
Distance:  probably about 750 feet
Light:  I was looking toward the sun; the sun was to my right as I looked at the birds. I was able yo get pretty good looks through my scope. Distance was more a factor than light.

Description of the Bird

6 white swans flew into the lake at considerable distance from me. I then looked at the birds through my spotting scope and observed yellow lores on at least two of the birds.
Behaviors: I saw the birds circle and drop into the lake; they then just floated along in a group.
Call: n/a
Plumage: adult and juvenile

Similar Species Discussion

I eliminated the Trumpeter Swan as I was able to see the yellow lores on several birds. Also I studied the border where the head met the bill and it appeared more rounded than pointed.

Resources Used

The Sibley Guide to Birds after my observations.

Previous Experience

I have identified both Trumpeter and Tundra Swans in the past, but never in large numbers.


Notes made AFTER observation

Additional Information

Time: 11:30 A.M. to 12 noon
Elevation: approx. 5560
Other Dates:
Nearest Town: Morrison
Independent Observers: yes

Materials Available

No files uploaded.

Date Documentation Submitted

12/30/2008 11:23:00 AM