Documentation of Blackpoll Warbler

Observer Information

Reporter:  Audrey Boag  PO Box 456,   Indian Hills, CO  80454
Other Observers:  Leslie Coleman

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Blackpoll Warbler
First Date/Time:  5/25/2019 9:30:00 AM
Last Date/Time:  5/25/2019 9:45:00 AM
Duration (total time in view):  15 minutes
County:  Jefferson
Specific Location:  Belmar Historic Park
Number:  1
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Male
Plumage:  Breeding

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Binoculars, camera
Distance:  75 feet
Light:  sunny

Description of the Bird

Call first recognized by Illinois native; adult male then sighted in a Cottonwood at near the entrance to the boardwalk.



Materials Available

Photographer: Audrey Boag

Photos |


Date Documentation Submitted

5/26/2019 2:21:00 PM
Click left or right edges of photos to move through all; click outside image to close

Location Map

The marker on the map shows an approximation of the location of this report. The marker is generated using a prioritized Logic base:
1) If the observer has entered coordinates, they will be shown.
2) No specific coordinates are available but the location is mappable.
3) A generic location with no specific coordinates is mapped to the center of the reported county.

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