Documentation of Lapland Longspur

Observer Information

Reporter:  Kathy Mihm Dunning  1322 Fairfax St.,   DENVER, CO  80220-2527
Other Observers:  none

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Lapland Longspur
First Date/Time:  2/15/2021 11:30:00 AM
Last Date/Time:  2/15/2021 12:05:00 PM
Duration (total time in view):  5 minutes
County:  San Miguel
Specific Location:  Location Not Listed
Number:  1
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Male
Plumage:  Transitional


Open grassland

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Binoculars
Distance:  20-100'
Light:  Good

Description of the Bird

Detected amongst a group of HOLAs.  Initially noted for being darker and having a more shuffle-y feeding style.

Sparrowlike bird.  Back mottled brown, with some rufous tones.  Chestnut collar.  Crown brown, face very pale brownish, auriculars wrapped in black on the bottom and back, chin white with some black smudging, sparrow-like bill.  Undersides white with some black smudging on upper sides and upper chest.  Tail dark (never saw it well enough in flight to detect white outer tail feathers).

Similar Species Discussion

Photos eliminated other options.

Resources Used

Prior experience.  A sanity check with Sibley.

Previous Experience

Significant with longspurs and expected sparrows.


Review of photos

Date Documentation Submitted

10/5/2021 8:11:00 AM
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Location Map

The marker on the map shows an approximation of the location of this report. The marker is generated using a prioritized Logic base:
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2) No specific coordinates are available but the location is mappable.
3) A generic location with no specific coordinates is mapped to the center of the reported county.

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