Documentation of Northern Pygmy Owl

Observer Information

Reporter:  Veronica Malinowski  2246 Afton Lane,   Evergreen, CO  80439
Other Observers: 

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Northern Pygmy Owl
First Date/Time:  9/23/2021 1:00:00 AM
Last Date/Time:  9/23/2021 1:00:00 AM
Duration (total time in view):  1 minute
County:  Jefferson
Specific Location:  Evergreen area
Number:  1
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Other/Unknown


Conifer Forest

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Held in Hand
Distance:  Clear

Description of the Bird

I went to clean my window where a bird had hit.  I discovered the deceased Northern Pygmy Owl.  I recall hearing the hit in the middle of the night several days ago.

Similar Species Discussion

I originally thought it might be a hawk, but the feathered feet and small size were not making sense.  I used the "Picture This" app and it identified the owl.  I was then able to confirm in my bird books.

Resources Used

Picture This app, Golden Guide to Field Identification Birds of North America, other internet pictures.

Previous Experience



Notes made DURING observation

Date Documentation Submitted

9/30/2021 2:52:00 PM
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Location Map

The marker on the map shows an approximation of the location of this report. The marker is generated using a prioritized Logic base:
1) If the observer has entered coordinates, they will be shown.
2) No specific coordinates are available but the location is mappable.
3) A generic location with no specific coordinates is mapped to the center of the reported county.

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