Documentation of Blue Goose subspecies of Snow Goose

Observer Information

Reporter:  patricia jackson  PO 3881,   Littleton, CO  80161
Other Observers:  no

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Blue Goose subspecies of Snow Goose
First Date/Time:  11/18/2023 3:15:00 PM
Last Date/Time:  11/18/2023 4:00:00 PM
Duration (total time in view):  45 minutes
County:  Arapahoe
Specific Location:  Aurora
Number:  1
Age:  Adult
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Other/Unknown


near a lake

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Bushnell binoculars and photographed through a Samsung phone
Distance:  multiple photos from 30 feet to 10 feet away
Light:  medium-bright. midafternoon light

Description of the Bird

The large white-headed bird was in the middle of a large flock of Canada geese feeding. All were feeding on the mowed lawn not far from the lake's edge. At first I thought the bird was a mixed-breed of a Canada Goose but then saw it was distinctly larger than the very large flock of geese around it. Also it had a pinkish beak that was very bold in color and distinctly different from the Canada Goose beak. i am familiar with Snow Geese and this bird had a white head and long white neck ,but not a white body, Also a bluish tint to the rest of the body. When i looked up the enlarged photo (one of many I took of the whole flock)  I took when I got home it matched  every aspect of the "Blue Goose" relative of the Snow Goose. I have been a birdwatcher for 40 years and never seen one before.

Similar Species Discussion

Canada Goose

Snow Goose (please see my previous notes and examine the photo) 

Previous Experience

Experience with Snow Geese (pure white) and Canada Geese but have never seen a Blue Goose varietal before

Materials Available

Photographer: Patricia Jackson

Photos |


Date Documentation Submitted

11/19/2023 9:05:00 PM
Click left or right edges of photos to move through all; click outside image to close

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