Documentation of Eurasian Wigeon

Observer Information

Reporter:  Dan Maynard  3426 Decatur St,   Denver, Co  80211
Other Observers:  Bill Maynard, and later Mark Peterson, Brandon Percival, Lisa Edwards, and several others over the course of a few weeks. Should represent a first county record

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Eurasian Wigeon
First Date/Time:  12/16/2012 10:45:00 AM
Last Date/Time:  12/16/2012 10:47:00 AM
Duration (total time in view):  2 minutes
County:  Fremont
Specific Location:  Canon City
Number:  1
Age:  Adult
Sex:  Male
Plumage:  Breeding


marshy wooded stream

Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Zeiss Victory 10x42; 25x fixed power spotting scope
Distance:  200 feet
Light:  sunny, dappled

Description of the Bird

Medium sized duck with clean, pale gray back and flanks and blackish tail feathers and undertail coverts, Obvious white spots on femoral tract and on side just below folded wing. Orange-pink-reddish breast and dark cinnamon-red head with buffy forehead. Light blue-gray bill with black tip. Small green patch behind eye

Similar Species Discussion

Only real similar species is male AMWI x EUWI hybrid. Eliminated by pure gray flanks with a clean border with the breast, and a uniformly chestnut face, excepting the green eye splotch. small amount of green behind eye is apparently fine for EUWI with pure ancestry. Hybrid would have more of a green stripe, and flanks and back would be less clean gray, more washed with reddish

Resources Used

None at the time. Sibley's guide and several internet fora consulted after green patch was mentioned as a possible hybrid trait

Previous Experience

I see hundreds if not thousands of AMWI each year, and have seen a handful of EUWI in CO and OR


Review of photos

Materials Available

Photographer: Dan Maynard

Photos |


Date Documentation Submitted

2/3/2016 12:58:00 PM
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Location Map

The marker on the map shows an approximation of the location of this report. The marker is generated using a prioritized Logic base:
1) If the observer has entered coordinates, they will be shown.
2) No specific coordinates are available but the location is mappable.
3) A generic location with no specific coordinates is mapped to the center of the reported county.

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