Documentation of Alder Flycatcher

Observer Information

Reporter:  Steven Mlodinow  530 Peregrine Circle,   Longmont, CO  80504-8806
Other Observers:  Later in day, David Dowell who agreed with ID

Species, Date, Time and Location Information

Species:  Alder Flycatcher
First Date/Time:  5/29/2017 12:00:00 PM
Last Date/Time:  5/29/2017 12:15:00 PM
Duration (total time in view):  4 minutes
County:  Yuma
Specific Location:  Hale area
Number:  1
Age:  Unknown
Sex:  Unknown
Plumage:  Other/Unknown



Viewing Conditions

Optics:  Swarovski 12x50 bins
Distance:  as close as 20-30 feet
Light:  good

Description of the Bird

Heard calling and tracked down a couple times before decent photos and recording could be obtained. Recording sounds a bit flatter than bird did in life, perhaps due to the bird being relatively loud in real time c/w recording. 

Upper parts green washed with brown. Wing-feathers blackish with broad and bright buffy edges to wing coverts (ie, wing-bars), bright white edges to tertials and greenish edging to secondaries. Auriculars green washed in gray. Very narrow white eyering. Vaguely grayish lores. Throat white, sharply contrasting with auriculars. Head somewhat rounded, never crested looking. Primary projection moderately long. Shape otherwise simiilar to Traill's Flycatcher group as a whole, though bill on smallish side. Call a loud Pip to Peep. 

Similar Species Discussion

WIFL - too bright and long winged for western WIFL
Call not whit give by e WIFL or w WIFL (and not assorted odd variations sometimes given by w WIFL) and typical of ALFL in my experience. Sounded much like iBirdPro recording of ALFL call, which I played at bird, unsucceessfully trying to lure it closer.

Resources Used


Previous Experience

Moderate with ALFL and e WIFL. Extensive with w WIFL


Notes made AFTER observation

Materials Available

Photos | Audio |


Date Documentation Submitted

6/28/2017 9:09:00 PM
Click left or right edges of photos to move through all; click outside image to close

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