Reports from the Data

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An amazing amount of information has been accumulated over the years based on records reviewed by the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Use the menu items to view results by year, by species, or to review your personally entered records. To get started, select a species to see all of the Colorado reports for that species.

Summary of Accepted Records

* indicates subspecies or hybrid

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
4 Record(s)

Fulvous Whistling-Duck
1 Record(s)

Snow Goose
2 Record(s)

Pink-footed Goose
1 Record(s)

7 Record(s)

*Brant (Atlantic)
5 Record(s)

*Brant (Black)
27 Record(s)

Barnacle Goose
2 Record(s)

Cackling Goose
2 Record(s)

*Cackling Goose (Aleutian)
2 Record(s)

*Cackling Goose (Ridgway's)
4 Record(s)

*Canada Goose (Dusky)
1 Record(s)

Trumpeter Swan
37 Record(s)

Tundra Swan
34 Record(s)

3 Record(s)

Eurasian Wigeon
57 Record(s)

Mexican Duck
16 Record(s)

American Black Duck
22 Record(s)

*American Black Duck x Mallard
1 Record(s)

Mottled Duck
2 Record(s)

Tufted Duck
4 Record(s)

Harlequin Duck
6 Record(s)

Surf Scoter
5 Record(s)

Black Scoter
26 Record(s)

Long-tailed Duck
5 Record(s)

*Duck Hybrid
1 Record(s)

Scaled Quail
1 Record(s)

California Quail
1 Record(s)

Wild Turkey
2 Record(s)

Ruffed Grouse
5 Record(s)

Gunnison Sage-Grouse
2 Record(s)

Dusky Grouse
1 Record(s)

Horned Grebe
1 Record(s)

Red-necked Grebe
31 Record(s)

Band-tailed Pigeon
1 Record(s)

Eurasian Collared-Dove
26 Record(s)

Inca Dove
23 Record(s)

Common Ground Dove
8 Record(s)

Ruddy Ground Dove
1 Record(s)

White-winged Dove
35 Record(s)

Groove-billed Ani
5 Record(s)

Greater Roadrunner
2 Record(s)

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
1 Record(s)

Black-billed Cuckoo
35 Record(s)

Lesser Nighthawk
36 Record(s)

Common Nighthawk
2 Record(s)

Common Poorwill
2 Record(s)

Eastern Whip-poor-will
10 Record(s)

Mexican Whip-poor-will
5 Record(s)

*Whip-poor-will sp.
1 Record(s)

Black Swift
1 Record(s)

Chimney Swift
3 Record(s)

Vaux's Swift
2 Record(s)

White-throated Swift
2 Record(s)

Mexican Violetear
2 Record(s)

Rivoli’s Hummingbird
26 Record(s)

Blue-throated Mountain-gem
15 Record(s)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
37 Record(s)

Black-chinned Hummingbird
1 Record(s)

Anna's Hummingbird
19 Record(s)

Costa's Hummingbird
9 Record(s)

Calliope Hummingbird
3 Record(s)

Broad-tailed Hummingbird
1 Record(s)

Broad-billed Hummingbird
4 Record(s)

White-eared Hummingbird
2 Record(s)

King Rail
3 Record(s)

Common Gallinule
14 Record(s)

Purple Gallinule
3 Record(s)

Yellow Rail
2 Record(s)

Black Rail
15 Record(s)

2 Record(s)

Sandhill Crane
3 Record(s)

Whooping Crane
5 Record(s)

Black-necked Stilt
1 Record(s)

Black-bellied Plover
1 Record(s)

American Golden-Plover
10 Record(s)

Piping Plover
22 Record(s)

Mountain Plover
1 Record(s)

Snowy Plover
7 Record(s)

Upland Sandpiper
1 Record(s)

3 Record(s)

Eskimo Curlew
1 Record(s)

Long-billed Curlew
1 Record(s)

Hudsonian Godwit
40 Record(s)

Marbled Godwit
1 Record(s)

Ruddy Turnstone
33 Record(s)

Red Knot
32 Record(s)

5 Record(s)

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
3 Record(s)

Curlew Sandpiper
4 Record(s)

1 Record(s)

Purple Sandpiper
2 Record(s)

Baird's Sandpiper
1 Record(s)

Least Sandpiper
3 Record(s)

White-rumped Sandpiper
3 Record(s)

Buff-breasted Sandpiper
42 Record(s)

Pectoral Sandpiper
3 Record(s)

Western Sandpiper
1 Record(s)

Short-billed Dowitcher
33 Record(s)

American Woodcock
16 Record(s)

Lesser Yellowlegs
1 Record(s)

Greater Yellowlegs
1 Record(s)

Red-necked Phalarope
1 Record(s)

Red Phalarope
51 Record(s)

*Jaeger sp.
15 Record(s)

Pomarine Jaeger
32 Record(s)

Parasitic Jaeger
24 Record(s)

Long-tailed Jaeger
36 Record(s)

Long-billed Murrelet
2 Record(s)

Ancient Murrelet
7 Record(s)

Black-legged Kittiwake
48 Record(s)

Ivory Gull
1 Record(s)

Sabine's Gull
2 Record(s)

Bonaparte's Gull
1 Record(s)

Black-headed Gull
4 Record(s)

Little Gull
40 Record(s)

Ross's Gull
3 Record(s)

Laughing Gull
54 Record(s)

Franklin's Gull
1 Record(s)

Short-billed Gull
60 Record(s)

Western Gull
7 Record(s)

Herring Gull
1 Record(s)

Iceland Gull
44 Record(s)

Lesser Black-backed Gull
49 Record(s)

Slaty-backed Gull
3 Record(s)

Glaucous-winged Gull
39 Record(s)

*Glaucous-winged Gull hybrid
1 Record(s)

Great Black-backed Gull
47 Record(s)

Kelp Gull
1 Record(s)

Sooty Tern
1 Record(s)

Least Tern
25 Record(s)

Caspian Tern
3 Record(s)

Arctic Tern
34 Record(s)

Royal Tern
3 Record(s)

Sandwich Tern
1 Record(s)

Black Skimmer
2 Record(s)

Red-throated Loon
52 Record(s)

Arctic Loon
3 Record(s)

Pacific Loon
4 Record(s)

Yellow-billed Loon
36 Record(s)

Wood Stork
2 Record(s)

Magnificent Frigatebird
4 Record(s)

Brown Booby
1 Record(s)

3 Record(s)

Neotropic Cormorant
39 Record(s)

American White Pelican
3 Record(s)

Brown Pelican
25 Record(s)

Least Bittern
33 Record(s)

Little Blue Heron
42 Record(s)

Tricolored Heron
34 Record(s)

Reddish Egret
17 Record(s)

Yellow-crowned Night Heron
49 Record(s)

Green Heron
2 Record(s)

Great Egret
2 Record(s)

Western Cattle-Egret
2 Record(s)

White Ibis
14 Record(s)

Glossy Ibis
68 Record(s)

*White-faced X Glossy Ibis
3 Record(s)

Roseate Spoonbill
1 Record(s)

Black Vulture
8 Record(s)

2 Record(s)

White-tailed Kite
2 Record(s)

Swallow-tailed Kite
6 Record(s)

Cooper's Hawk
1 Record(s)

American Goshawk
1 Record(s)

Mississippi Kite
5 Record(s)

Common Black Hawk
16 Record(s)

Harris's Hawk
10 Record(s)

Variable Hawk
1 Record(s)

Red-shouldered Hawk
21 Record(s)

Broad-winged Hawk
5 Record(s)

Zone-tailed Hawk
7 Record(s)

Red-tailed Hawk
1 Record(s)

*Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's)
2 Record(s)

Rough-legged Hawk
1 Record(s)

Snowy Owl
38 Record(s)

Northern Pygmy-Owl
3 Record(s)

Spotted Owl
10 Record(s)

Barred Owl
2 Record(s)

Long-eared Owl
1 Record(s)

Boreal Owl
22 Record(s)

Northern Saw-whet Owl
2 Record(s)

Red-headed Woodpecker
8 Record(s)

Acorn Woodpecker
23 Record(s)

Golden-fronted Woodpecker
1 Record(s)

Red-bellied Woodpecker
5 Record(s)

Williamson's Sapsucker
5 Record(s)

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
22 Record(s)

Red-naped Sapsucker
2 Record(s)

Red-breasted Sapsucker
1 Record(s)

Ladder-backed Woodpecker
4 Record(s)

Northern Flicker
2 Record(s)

Crested Caracara
7 Record(s)

3 Record(s)

*Merlin (Black)
1 Record(s)

14 Record(s)

Dusky-capped Flycatcher
1 Record(s)

Great Crested Flycatcher
12 Record(s)

Brown-crested Flycatcher
2 Record(s)

Great Kiskadee
1 Record(s)

Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
2 Record(s)

Tropical Kingbird
3 Record(s)

Couch's Kingbird
1 Record(s)

Thick-billed Kingbird
4 Record(s)

Eastern Kingbird
1 Record(s)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
48 Record(s)

Fork-tailed Flycatcher
2 Record(s)

Olive-sided Flycatcher
1 Record(s)

Eastern Wood-Pewee
40 Record(s)

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
16 Record(s)

Acadian Flycatcher
2 Record(s)

Alder Flycatcher
71 Record(s)

Least Flycatcher
6 Record(s)

Hammond's Flycatcher
2 Record(s)

Gray Flycatcher
5 Record(s)

Buff-breasted Flycatcher
1 Record(s)

Black Phoebe
52 Record(s)

Eastern Phoebe
5 Record(s)

Say's Phoebe
1 Record(s)

Vermilion Flycatcher
50 Record(s)

White-eyed Vireo
41 Record(s)

Bell's Vireo
6 Record(s)

Gray Vireo
1 Record(s)

Yellow-throated Vireo
40 Record(s)

Cassin's Vireo
3 Record(s)

Blue-headed Vireo
52 Record(s)

Philadelphia Vireo
75 Record(s)

Yellow-green Vireo
1 Record(s)

Loggerhead Shrike
1 Record(s)

Blue Jay
3 Record(s)

Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
1 Record(s)

Clark's Nutcracker
1 Record(s)

Chihuahuan Raven
1 Record(s)

Juniper Titmouse
4 Record(s)

Bank Swallow
1 Record(s)

Tree Swallow
1 Record(s)

Purple Martin
6 Record(s)

Cave Swallow
1 Record(s)

1 Record(s)

Cedar Waxwing
2 Record(s)

11 Record(s)

Pygmy Nuthatch
1 Record(s)

Canyon Wren
1 Record(s)

Cactus Wren
2 Record(s)

Bewick's Wren
1 Record(s)

Carolina Wren
35 Record(s)

Northern House Wren
1 Record(s)

Pacific Wren
24 Record(s)

Winter Wren
10 Record(s)

Sedge Wren
36 Record(s)

*Eastern Marsh Wren
1 Record(s)

Gray Catbird
1 Record(s)

Curve-billed Thrasher
9 Record(s)

Brown Thrasher
9 Record(s)

Long-billed Thrasher
4 Record(s)

Bendire's Thrasher
8 Record(s)

Northern Mockingbird
2 Record(s)

American Dipper
1 Record(s)

Eastern Bluebird
7 Record(s)

Western Bluebird
1 Record(s)

Gray-cheeked Thrush
73 Record(s)

*Swainson's Thrush (Russet-backed)
11 Record(s)

Hermit Thrush
1 Record(s)

Wood Thrush
39 Record(s)

Rufous-backed Robin
1 Record(s)

Varied Thrush
54 Record(s)

Sprague's Pipit
20 Record(s)

6 Record(s)

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
1 Record(s)

Black Rosy-Finch
2 Record(s)

Purple Finch
54 Record(s)

57 Record(s)

*Hoary Redpoll
6 Record(s)

*Redpoll sp.
1 Record(s)

Red Crossbill
1 Record(s)

Cassia Crossbill
7 Record(s)

White-winged Crossbill
9 Record(s)

Lesser Goldfinch
3 Record(s)

Lawrence's Goldfinch
1 Record(s)

Lapland Longspur
1 Record(s)

Chestnut-collared Longspur
2 Record(s)

Smith's Longspur
9 Record(s)

Thick-billed Longspur
4 Record(s)

Snow Bunting
14 Record(s)

Cassin's Sparrow
2 Record(s)

Grasshopper Sparrow
5 Record(s)

Black-throated Sparrow
3 Record(s)

Lark Bunting
1 Record(s)

Chipping Sparrow
2 Record(s)

Clay-colored Sparrow
5 Record(s)

Black-chinned Sparrow
6 Record(s)

Field Sparrow
25 Record(s)

Fox Sparrow
3 Record(s)

*Fox Sparrow (Red)
36 Record(s)

*Fox Sparrow (Slate-colored)
3 Record(s)

*Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
2 Record(s)

*Dark-eyed Junco (White-winged)
1 Record(s)

Golden-crowned Sparrow
54 Record(s)

Harris's Sparrow
1 Record(s)

White-throated Sparrow
7 Record(s)

Sagebrush Sparrow
3 Record(s)

LeConte's Sparrow
17 Record(s)

Nelson's Sparrow
5 Record(s)

Baird's Sparrow
20 Record(s)

Henslow's Sparrow
2 Record(s)

Savannah Sparrow
1 Record(s)

Canyon Towhee
2 Record(s)

Green-tailed Towhee
1 Record(s)

Spotted Towhee
1 Record(s)

Eastern Towhee
43 Record(s)

Yellow-breasted Chat
1 Record(s)

Yellow-headed Blackbird
1 Record(s)

2 Record(s)

Chihuahuan Meadowlark
5 Record(s)

Eastern Meadowlark
21 Record(s)

Orchard Oriole
5 Record(s)

Hooded Oriole
5 Record(s)

Streak-backed Oriole
2 Record(s)

Bullock's Oriole
1 Record(s)

Baltimore Oriole
13 Record(s)

*Bullocks x Baltimore Oriole
1 Record(s)

Scott's Oriole
25 Record(s)

Bronzed Cowbird
2 Record(s)

Rusty Blackbird
1 Record(s)

Common Grackle
1 Record(s)

Great-tailed Grackle
2 Record(s)

5 Record(s)

Worm-eating Warbler
38 Record(s)

Louisiana Waterthrush
8 Record(s)

Northern Waterthrush
2 Record(s)

Golden-winged Warbler
43 Record(s)

Blue-winged Warbler
40 Record(s)

*Brewster's Warbler
4 Record(s)

Black-and-white Warbler
2 Record(s)

Prothonotary Warbler
50 Record(s)

Swainson's Warbler
11 Record(s)

Tennessee Warbler
2 Record(s)

Orange-crowned Warbler
2 Record(s)

Lucy's Warbler
22 Record(s)

Virginia's Warbler
1 Record(s)

Connecticut Warbler
17 Record(s)

Mourning Warbler
50 Record(s)

Kentucky Warbler
45 Record(s)

Hooded Warbler
8 Record(s)

Cape May Warbler
46 Record(s)

Cerulean Warbler
5 Record(s)

Northern Parula
7 Record(s)

Tropical Parula
1 Record(s)

Magnolia Warbler
3 Record(s)

Bay-breasted Warbler
46 Record(s)

Blackburnian Warbler
54 Record(s)

Chestnut-sided Warbler
7 Record(s)

Blackpoll Warbler
6 Record(s)

Black-throated Blue Warbler
9 Record(s)

Palm Warbler
8 Record(s)

Pine Warbler
49 Record(s)

Yellow-throated Warbler
44 Record(s)

Prairie Warbler
46 Record(s)

Grace's Warbler
3 Record(s)

Townsend's Warbler
1 Record(s)

*Townsend's x Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Record(s)

Hermit Warbler
18 Record(s)

Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Record(s)

Golden-crowned Warbler
1 Record(s)

Canada Warbler
44 Record(s)

Red-faced Warbler
3 Record(s)

Painted Redstart
11 Record(s)

Hepatic Tanager
30 Record(s)

Summer Tanager
17 Record(s)

Scarlet Tanager
48 Record(s)

Western Tanager
1 Record(s)

Northern Cardinal
6 Record(s)

6 Record(s)

Yellow Grosbeak
2 Record(s)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
12 Record(s)

Blue Grosbeak
2 Record(s)

Lazuli Bunting
2 Record(s)

Indigo Bunting
2 Record(s)

Varied Bunting
1 Record(s)

Painted Bunting
38 Record(s)

5 Record(s)