A summary of reviews is published each year in Colorado Birds. They are presented here for your review, most recent first. Click the report name to open a PDF copy of the actual report in a new tab.
1973(a) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1973a. Reports from the CFO Official Records Committee. Colo. Field Ornithol. No. 15:9-15.
Highlights: The Gilded Flicker controversy is resolved (1970) and Blue-throated Hummingbird is added to the state list.
1973(b) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1973b. Reports from the CFO Official Records Committee. Colo. Field Ornithol. No. 16:19-26.
Highlights: Louisiana Waterthrush is removed from state list and first photo evidence of Green Heron, Cattle Egret, Louisiana (Tricolored) Heron, and Cape May Warbler are received.
1973(c) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1973c. Reports from the CFO Official Records Committee. Colo. Field Ornithol. No. 18:9-20.
Highlights: Final decision on the 1964 report of a Reeve from Cherry Creek Reservoir. Great-tailed Grackle is added to the state list.
1974(a) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1974a. Reports from the CFO Official Records Committee. Colo. Field Ornithol. No. 19:11-41.
Highlights: Anna's Hummingbird, Kentucky Warbler, and Smith's Longspur are added to the state list. Hooded and Scott's Oriole are removed from the state list. First photo evidence for Pomarine Jaeger is submitted.
1974(b) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1974b. Reports from the CFO Official Records Committee. Colo. Field Ornithol. No. 21/22:28-34.
Highlights: Caspian Tern, White-eyed Vireo, and Blue-winged Warbler are added to the state list.
1975(a) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1975. Reports from the CFO Official Records Committee. C.F.O. Journal No. 23:17-34.
Highlights: Little Gull is added to the state list. During the second full year of operation, the Colorado Field Ornithologists Official Records Committee reviewed or attempted to review a total of 190 individual reports of rare and unusual species from Colorado. Of these, the Records Committee ruled to accept 143 as valid records.
1972-1975 Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1976. CFO Official Records Committee Report 1972-1975. Western Birds 7:81-97.
Highlights: During its first three and one-half years of operation, the Records Committee reviewed a total of 465 individual reports of rare and unusual species and approved 384, for an acceptance rate of 83%. Initial rulings from 1973 and 1974 are detailed. New species reported and accepted from 1972-1975 are listed.
1975(b) Report of the CBRC
Reddall, J. 1976a. CFO Official Records Committee 1975 report. C.F.O. Journal No. 27:5-19.
Highlights: Hermit Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Scott's Oriole are added to the state list. Yellow-billed Loon and Purple Gallinule are removed. The state list is at 425 species.
1976-1977 Report of the CBRC
Andrews, R. 1979. CFO Records Committee report 1976-1977. Western Birds 10:57-70.
Highlights: State list is 427. King Rail, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Ruff, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and Groove-billed Ani are added to the state list. Black Brant is removed from the state list due to an AOU decision. Mexican Duck and Mottled Duck are removed from the state list because the specimens were determined to not be valid examples of these species. Ruffed Grouse was removed from the state list as all reports were reviewed and considered not acceptable. Iceland Gull was removed because the Colorado specimen was determined to be a Thayer's Gull.
1977-1980 pt.1 Report of the CBRC
Chase, C. 1981a. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report – 1977-1980 - Part 1. C.F.O. Journal 15:24-30.
Highlights: State list is 429. Purple Gallinule, Great Black-backed Gull, Alder Flycatcher, and Mourning Warbler are added to the state list. Common Eider and Smith's Longspur are removed.
1977-1980 pt.2 Report of the CBRC
Chase, C. 1981b. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report – 1977-1980 - Part 2. C.F.O. Journal 15:54-59.
Highlights: Second record of Neotropic Cormorant, third record of Trumpeter Swan, second record of Arctic Tern, third record of Caspian Tern, second through fifth records for Hermit Warbler, and second record for Mourning Warbler are detailed.
1980-1981 Report of the CBRC
Chase, C. 1982. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report – 1980-1981. C.F.O. Journal 16:46-52.
Highlights: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck is added to the state list and the third record of Little Gull is discussed.
1981 Report of the CBRC
Chase, C. 1983. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report - 1981. C.F.O. Journal 17:75-82.
Highlights: Common Black-Hawk, Mew Gull, Glaucous-winged Gull, and Marbled Murrelet (Long-billed Murrelet) are added to the state list.
1982 Report of the CBRC
Gent, P. 1984.The CFO Records Committee report for 1982. C.F.O. Journal 18:51-57.
Highlights: Yellow-billed Loon and Mottled Duck are added to the state list.
1983 Report of the CBRC
Gent, P. 1985a.The CFO Records Committee report for 1983. C.F.O. Journal 19:28-33.
Highlights: Ross's Gull and Brambling are added to the state list.
1984 Report of the CBRC
Gent, P. 1985b.The CFO Records Committee report for 1984. C.F.O. Journal 19:82-87
Highlights: Pacific Loon, Clark's Grebe and Red-naped Sapsucker are added to the state list due to AOU splits.
1985 Report of the CBRC
Gent, P. 1986.The CFO Records Committee Report for 1985. C.F.O. Journal 20:44-50
Highlights: Magnificent Frigatebird, White Ibis, and Henslow's Sparrow are added to the state list. Mottled Duck is deleted as an error from 1984.
1978-1985 Report of the CBRC
Gent, P. 1987. CFO Records Committee Report for 1978-1985. Western Birds 18:97-108
Highlights: The state list stands at 440. This report in Western Birds discusses 21 additions and 8 deletions from the CFO list in the years 1978-1985. In addition several first state breeding records are discussed.
1986 Report of the CBRC
Bunn, R. L. 1988. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report for reports submitted in 1986. C.F.O. Journal 22:85-90.
Highlights: Glossy Ibis is added to the state list.
1987 pt.1 Report of the CBRC
Bunn, R. L. 1989a. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report for reports submitted in 1987 (Part I). C.F.O. Journal 23:13-18.
Highlights: Several first county records are detailed.
1987 pt.2 Report of the CBRC
Bunn, R. L. 1989b. Colorado Field Ornithologists Records Committee report for reports submitted in 1987 (Part II). C.F.O. Journal 23:114-120.
Highlights: The sixth state record of Phainopepla and several new county records are discussed.
1989 Report of the CBRC
Nelson, D. 1991. The C.F.O. Records Committee report for 1989. C.F.O. Journal 25:119-125.
Highlights: Pyrrhuloxia is added to the state list. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck and Common Black-Hawk are removed from the state list. The very controversial Red-backed Buzzard from 1987 is discussed.
1990 Report of the CBRC
Nelson, D. 1992. The CFO Records Committee report for 1990. C.F.O. Journal 26:91-97.
Highlights: Fulvous Whistling-Duck, Garganey, and Bronzed Cowbird are added to the state list.
1988 Report of the CBRC
Gent, P. and D. Nelson. 1992. The CFO Records Committee report for records submitted in 1988. C.F.O. Journal 26:137-142.
Highlights: Common Black-headed Gull (Black-headed Gull) is added to the state list.
1991 Report of the CBRC
Nelson, D. 1993. The C.F.O. Records Committee report for 1991. C.F.O. Journal 27:49-56.
Highlights: The committee votes to delete sightings of Whooping Crane from the "Gray's Lake Flock" from the official state list and only retain historical records from 1973 and earlier.
1992 Report of the CBRC
Prather, B. 1994. The report of the Records Committee for 1992. C.F.O. Journal 28:157-168.
Highlights: 120 reports were circulated. Inca Dove and Thick-billed Kingbird are added to the state list. AOU decisions result in the splitting of the rosy-finches into 3 species. The state list is at 449.
1993 Report of the CBRC
Prather, B. 1996. The CO Bird Records Committee report for 1993. C.F.O. Journal 30:20-30.
Highlights: 127 reports are circulated. Common Black-Hawk, Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Red-faced Warbler are added to the state list which is now at 452.
1994 Report of the CBRC
Prather, B. 1997. Report of the CO Bird Records Committee for 1994. C.F.O. Journal 31:23-31.
Highlights: Lesser Golden-Plover is split into Pacific and American Golden-Plover by the AOU. Harris's Hawk and Acorn Woodpecker are added to the state list which now stands at 454.
1995 Report of the CBRC
Janos, M. 1997. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 1995 reports. J. Colo. Field Ornith. 31:139-153.
Highlights: Eastern Towhee and Baltimore Oriole are added to the state list as a result of splits from the AOU. The state list is at 456.
1996 Report of the CBRC
Janos, M. 1998. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 1996 reports. J. Colo. Field Ornith. 32:173-187.
Highlights: Eurasian Collared-Dove and Buff-breasted Flycatcher are added to the state list. The list stands at 460 after Blue-headed and Cassin's Vireo are split from the Solitary Vireo complex by the AOU. Other highlights in this report are Brown Pelican, Long-billed Murrelet, Hermit Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Connecticut Warbler, and Pyrrhuloxia.
1997 Report of the CBRC
Janos, M. 1999. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 1997 reports. J. Colo. Field Ornith. 33:241-252.
Highlights: Tufted Duck, Crested Caracara, and Royal Tern are added to the state list which is now at 463. Other highlights of this report include Arctic Tern, Lesser Nighthawk, and Cerulean Warbler.
1998 Report of the CBRC
Lisowsky, Bill. July 2000. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 1998 Records. Journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists 34(3):168-184.
Highlights: Curlew Sandpiper and Green Violetear added to the state list. Second accepted records of White Ibis and Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
1999 Report of the CBRC
Lisowsky, Bill. January 2001. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 1999 Records. Journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists 35(1):23-39.
Highlights: Zone-tailed Hawk, Iceland Gull and Common Ground-Dove added to the state list. Gunnison Sage-Grouse is added to the state list due to an AOU split. Third accepted records each of Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Pyrrhuloxia, fifth records of Acorn Woodpecker and Sprague’s Pipit, plus documentation on three additional Eurasian Collared-Dove records.
2000 Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony and Chris Wood. April 2002. Report of the Colorado Birds Record Committee: 2000 Records. Journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists 36(2):82-113.
Highlights: Slaty-backed Gull added to the state list. Second accepted records of Tufted Duck, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, and Barred Owl. First West Slope records of Bell’s Vireo and Red Fox Sparrow.
2001 pt.1 Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony and Lawrence S. Semo. July 2003. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 2001 Reports, Part I. Colorado Birds 37(3):138-155.
Highlights: First accepted record of Least Bittern for the San Luis Valley. Third accepted record of Common Black-Hawk.
2001 pt.2 Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony and Lawrence S. Semo. January 2004. Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: 2001 Reports, Part II. Colorado Birds 38(1):14-21.
Highlights: Black Skimmer added to the state list. The first accepted record of Harlequin Duck in 25 years. The state’s fourth White Ibis, seventh Long-tailed Jaeger, and eighth Connecticut Warbler.
2002 News from the CBRC
Leukering, Tony. January 2002. News from the Colorado Bird Records Committee (January 2002). Journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists 36(1):35.
Jaegers in Colorado: A Special Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony. April 2003. Jaegers in Colorado: A Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 37(2):73-87.
Black-bellied Whistling Duck: A Special Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony. October 2003. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: A Wanderer Rejoins the Official Colorado List. Colorado Birds 37(4):202-206.
The 37th Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony and Lawrence S. Semo. April 2004. The 37th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 38(2):73-88.
Highlights: Arctic Loon, Broad-billed Hummingbird, and Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher added to the state list.
The 38th Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony and Lawrence S. Semo. October 2004. The 38th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 38(4):168-183.
Highlights: Colorado’s second Zone-tailed Hawk and third Lucy’s Warbler. Cackling Goose is added to the state list due to an AOU split.
The 39th Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony and Lawrence S. Semo. July 2005. The 39th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 39(3):131-141.
Highlights: Colorado’s fourth Lucy’s Warbler.
The 40th Report of the CBRC
Leukering, Tony. October 2005. The 40th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 39(4):168-176.
Highlights: The second accepted record of Costa’s Hummingbird, two accepted records of Baird’s Sparrow, and the first West Slope record of Grasshopper Sparrow. Three first county records for Eurasian Collared-Dove.
The 41st Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. January 2006. The 41st Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 40(1):26-44.
Highlights: Black Vulture added to the state list.
The 42nd Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. July 2006. The 42nd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 40(3):133-156.
Highlights: White-eared Hummingbird and Tropical Parula added to the state list.
The 43rd Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. April 2007. The 43rd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee - Decision Summary: Acceptance of Kelp Gull to List of Colorado Birds. Colorado Birds 41(2):33-49.
Highlights: This report elaborates on the exhaustive review conducted by the CBRC during its deliberations of the first state record Kelp Gull.
The 44th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. October 2007. The 44th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 41(4):241-258.
Highlights: Smith’s Longspur added to the state list.
The 45th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. January 2008. The 45th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: New Additions to the State List. Colorado Birds 42(1):38-45.
Highlights: Black-chinned Sparrow, Hooded Oriole, and Lawrence’s Goldfinch added to the state list.
The 46th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. April 2008. The 46th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Partial Results of Winter 2007-08, Circulations and New Additions to the State List. Colorado Birds 42(2):115-129.
Highlights: Brown-crested Flycatcher and Streak-backed Oriole added to the state list.
The 47th Report of the CBRC
Semo. Lawrence S. July 2008. The 47th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Partial Results of Spring 2008 Circulations. Colorado Birds 42(3):200-214.
Highlights: Second state record of Arctic Loon, first breeding record of Sandhill Crane for Weld County, and second state record of Royal Tern.
The 48th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. October 2008. The 48th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 42(4):270-278.
Highlights: Fifth record of Whooping Crane.
The 49th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. and Doug W. Faulkner. January 2009. The 49th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 43(1):50-64.
Highlights: The fifth state record of Common Black-Hawk, fourth record of Harris’s Hawk, fifth accepted observations of both Louisiana Waterthrush and Painted Redstart, and the third record for Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow, which constitutes the first documented occurrence of that species in Colorado in 34 years.
The 50th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. April 2009. The 50th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 43(2):123-135.
Highlights: Sooty Tern added to the state list. Third record of King Rail, the seventh record of Ancient Murrelet, the second record of Smith’s Longspur, and the first record of a Type 3 Red Crossbill.
The 51st Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. July 2009. The 51st Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee.
Colorado Birds 43(3):193-204.
Highlights: Ninth record of Reddish Egret, the tenth record of Gyrfalcon, and the eleventh record of Whip-poor-will.
The 52nd Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. and Doug W. Faulkner. October 2009. The 52nd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 43(4):268-281.
Highlights: The long overdue first state record of Acadian Flycatcher, which brings the state list to 489 species, the second record of Ross’s Gull, and the fourth record of Ruff.
The 53rd Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. and Doug W. Faulkner. January 2010. The 52rd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 44(1):31-42.
Highlights: The second state records for Black Vulture and “Brewster’s” Warbler.
The 54th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. and Doug W. Faulkner. April 2010. The 54th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 44(2):89-105.
Highlights: The first, second, and third state records for "Mexican" Duck and the third state record of Smith's Longspur.
The 55th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. July 2010. The 55th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 44(3):180-185.
Highlights: First county records of Neotropic Cormorant for Larimer, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron for Bent, Upland Sandpiper for Montezuma, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher for Kiowa, and Painted Bunting for El Paso.
The 56th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. and Doug W. Faulkner. October 2010. The 56th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 44(4):240-254.
Highlights: The first accepted record of Pacific Wren and the second record of Anhinga. Recent taxonomic split of "Whip-poor-will" into Eastern Whip-poor-will and Mexican Whip-poor-will, and Pacific Wren also split from Winter Wren. This expands the total state list to 491 species.
The 57th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. and Doug W. Faulkner. January 2011. The 57th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 45(1):30-41.
Highlights: The 9th record for Common Black-Hawk, the 10th record for Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the 8th record for Swainson's Warbler, the 10th record for Connecticut Warbler, and historical first state records for Red-shouldered Hawk and Eastern Towhee.
The 58th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug W. and Lawrence S. Semo. April 2011. The 58th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 45(2):92-101.
Highlights: The third state record for Black Vulture, seven records of Iceland Gull from 2006-2010 taking the total for the state to 11, first county records for Red-throated Loon in Fremont and Blue-headed Vireo in Bent, and the third record of American Woodcock for Adams.
The 59th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug W. and Lawrence S. Semo. July 2011. The 59th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 45(3):174-180
Highlights: include fifteen records of Mew Gull for 2007-2010, nine records of Great Black-backed Gull for 2007-2009, and first county records for Adams, Bent, Boulder, Clear Creek, Crowley, El Paso, La Plata, Larimer, Park, Phillips, Pueblo, Montrose, and Sedgwick.
The 60th Report of the CBRC
Semo, Lawrence S. October 2011. The 60th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: A Report of Emperor Goose in Colorado - Colorado Birds 45(4):263-268
Highlights: Written by Larry Semo before he died, this report follows the precedent established for the Kelp Gull in the 43rd report (Semo 2007), discussing in depth a single exceptional bird record, and thus breaks from the standard format of a records committee report.
The 61st Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. January 2012. The 61st Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 46(1):50-62
Highlights: First state records for Western Gull and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, second state records for Crested Caracara and Black-chinned Sparrow, the third state record of Ross's Gull, and the transfer of Mew Gull from the Main Review List to the Conditional Review List. With publication of this report, the state list now stands at 493 species.
Special CBRC Report: Changes to the Main Review List
Faulkner, Doug. January 2012. Changes to the Main Review List: Colorado Birds 46(3):207-214
The 62nd Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. April 2012. The 62nd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 46(2):106-120
Highlights: Second state records for Green Violetear and Pacific Wren, third state records for Tufted Duck, Crested Caracara, and Purple Gallinule, a fourth state record for Pyrrhuloxia, and multiple West Slope records including Common Black-Hawk, Blue-throated Hummingbird, Curve-billed Thrasher, Worm-eating Warbler, and Cassin's Sparrow. With publication of this report, the state list remains at 493 species.
The 63rd Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. July 2012. The 63rd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 46(3):188-197
Highlights: The third state record for Black-chinned Sparrow, the first installment of records from an influx of Varied Thrushes in fall 2011, and the first confirmed record of nesting by Scarlet Tanager in Colorado. With publication of this report, the state list remains at 493 species.
The 64th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. October 2012. The 64th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 46(4):255-267
Highlights: A reclassification of an Eastern Whip-poor-will record as Mexican Whip-poor-will, the state's second Streak-backed Oriole, fourth Tufted Duck, fourth Atlantic (hrota subspecies) Brant, and fifth Common Ground-Dove. With publication of this report, the state list remains at 493 species.
The 65th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. January 2013. The 65th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 47(1):28-37
Highlights: The state's second record of Western Gull, multiple Glaucous-winged and Iceland Gull records, 11 records of Snowy Owl from winter 2011-2012, and the state's fifth Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. With publication of this report, the state list remains at 493 species.
The 66th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. April 2013. The 66th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 47(2):86-93
Highlights: Colorado's third record of Western Gull, third record of Royal Tern, and numerous first county records. With publication of this report, the state list remains at 493 species.
The 67th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. July 2013. The 67th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 47(3):178-186
Highlights: The West Slope’s first Yellow-billed Loon, Colorado’s third Curlew Sandpiper, the state’s first Hermit Warbler since 2002, and numerous first county records. With publication of this report, the state list remains at 493 species.
The 68th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. October 2013. The 68th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 47(4):252-263
Highlights: First state records of Sandwich Tern, Great Kiskadee, and Hoary Redpoll; Colorado’s sixth Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, fourth Smith’s Longspur, fifth Nelson’s Sparrow, third Brambling, the first San Luis Valley record of Laughing Gull and numerous first county records. With publication of this report, the state list is now 496 species.
The 69th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. Spring 2014. The 69th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 48(2):163-179
Highlights: First state records of Mottled Duck and Cave Swallow, as well as species removed from the CBRC’s Main Review List. This report further elaborates on a previously accepted new species in 2013, Hoary Redpoll, and additional documentations for that species. The Colorado state list is now 498.
The 70th Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. Winter 2014. The 70th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 48(4):305-311.
Highlights: First state record of Aleutian Cackling Goose, sixth Pacific Wren, seventh Costa's Hummingbird, and the phenomenal 2012-2013 winter invasion of Common Redpoll.
The 71st Report of the CBRC
Faulkner, Doug. Spring 2015. The 71st Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 49(2):53-57
Highlights: Species with 10 or fewer state records, including Colorado’s second Magnificent Frigatebird, fourth Curlew Sandpiper and Harris’s Hawk, fifth Cerulean Warbler and sixth Painted Redstart. No new species have been accepted since publication of the 70th CBRC Report (Faulkner 2014) and the Colorado state list remains 498.
The 72nd Report of the CBRC
Peterson, Mark and Bill Maynard. Fall 2015. The 72nd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 49(4):221-238
Highlights: Vaux’s Swift becomes Colorado’s 499th official bird species.
The 73rd Report of the CBRC
Peterson, Mark and Peter Gent. Fall 2018-Winter 2019. The 73rd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 52(4) and 53(1):30-37
Highlights: With the publication of this list the Colorado state list now stands
at 507 species. Thus, non-coastal, non-border U. S. state to crack the 500 barrier. We also note that because of decisions by the AOS, the names of four Colorado species have been changed since the 72nd report. Green Violetear has been split, with the species occurring in the U.S. now named Mexican Violetear. Both Magnificent Hummingbird and Gray Jay revert to previously used names -- Rivoli’s Hummingbird and Canada Jay, respectively, while Western with Colorado’s representative
now known as Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay.
The 74th Report of the CBRC
Peterson, Mark and Peter Gent. Summer 2019. The 74th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 53(3):100-113
Highlights: This 74th report of the CBRC presents the results of deliberations of the CBRC involving 151 reports submitted by 84 observers and documenting 85 species. Some very old reports are published here for the first time, and this report covers all the remaining reports submitted to the CBRC in 2013 and 2014 not previously covered. No species are either added or deleted from the state list so that the Colorado list remains at 507 species.
The 75th Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter and Mark Peterson. Fall 2019 . The 75th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 53(4):152-163
Highlights: This 75th report CBRC presents the results of deliberations of the CBRC involving 109 reports submitted by 72 observers and documenting 70 species. The Report covers reports submitted to the CBRC in 2015 and 2016 plus four more recent reports of species new to the state. Four species are added: Pink-footed Goose, Barnacle Goose, White-tailed Kite and Yellow-green Vireo. No species are deleted so the Colorado list stands at 511 species.
The 76th Report of the CBRC
Peterson, Mark and Peter Gent. Summer 2020. The 76th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 54(3):109-118
Highlights: This 76th report of the CBRC presents the results of deliberations involving 138 reports submitted by 78 observers and documenting 73 species. The Report covers reports submitted to the CBRC in 2016, 2017, and a few from 2018. No species are added to, or deleted from, the state list in this report, so that the Colorado list stands at 511 species as documented in the 75th Report (Gent and Peterson 2019).
The 77th Report of the CBRC
Peterson, Mark and Tony Leukering. Fall 2020. The 77th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 54(4):158-159
Highlights: This 77th report of the CBRC presents the results of deliberations of the CBRC involving one report submitted by one observer documenting Varied Bunting which was added to the Colorado state list. In addition, another species was added because the American Ornithological Society (AOS; formerly the American Ornithologists’ Union) split Mexican Duck from Mallard (Chesser et al. 2020). Therefore, with this publication the Colorado state list now stands at 513 species.
The 78th Report of the CBRC
Hopper, Rachel. Spring 2021. The 78th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 55(2):104-105
Highlights: This 78th report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee presents the results of deliberations of the CBRC involving one report submitted by three observers documenting the addition of Ruddy Ground Dove to the Colorado state list.
The 79th Report of the CBRC
Peterson, Mark. Fall 2021. 79th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds 55(4):172-176.
Highlights: This report presents results of deliberations involving 83 reports submitted by 69 observers documenting 68 species in 35 counties. No new species were added, so the Colorado list remains at 514 species.
The 80th Report of the CBRC.
Leukering, Tony. Spring, 2022. The 80th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee: Colorado Birds, 56(2), 111-116.
Highlights: This Report details why the Variable Hawk (originally Red-backed Hawk) seen near Gunnison in 1987 through 1994 was accepted to the state list as probably being of natural occurrence. The Colorado state list now stands at 515 species.
The 81st Report of the CBRC.
Gent, Peter R: The 81st Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. Colorado Birds 56(3), Summer, 213-222, 2022.
Highlights: This report documents acceptance of 3 new species to Colorado: Yellow Grosbeak, Cassia Crossbill and Rufous-backed Robin. This brings the Colorado state list to 518 species. Also included are the state's 3rd record of Thick-billed Kingbird, and the state's 3rd and 4th records of both Mexican Whip-poor-will and Magnificent Frigatebird.
The 82nd Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter R: The 82nd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, Colorado Birds 56(4), Fall, 283-294, 2022.
Highlights: This report documents the addition of Chihuahuan Meadowlark to the state list, which now stands at 519 species. Also included are the 4th state record of Broad-billed Hummingbird, the 5th state records of both Groove-billed Ani and Nelson's Sparrow, and the 7th state records of both Zone-tailed Hawk and Louisiana Waterthrush.
The 83rd Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter R: The 83rd Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, Colorado Birds 57(2), Spring, 61-70, 2023.
Highlights: This report documents the 5th state record of Pyrrhuloxia and the 7th state record of Crested Caracara.
The 84th Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter R: The 84th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, Colorado Birds 57(4), Fall, 194-203, 2023.
Highlights: This report documents the 2nd state record of Yellow Rail, Purple Sandpiper and Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, the 2nd through 4th records of Cassia Crossbill, and the 3rd state record of Garganey, Slaty-backed Gull and Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. Also included are the 4th records of Thick-billed Kingbird and Brambling, and the 5th state record of Mexican Whip-poor-will.
The 85th Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter R: The 85th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, Colorado Birds 58(1), Winter, 7-14, 2024.
Highlights: This report adds Limpkin to the state list, which now stands at 520 species. Also documented are the second state record of Acadian Flycatcher, the thirds records of Arctic Loon and Red-faced Warbler, and the third and fourth records of Black-bellied Whistling-Duck.
The 86th Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter R: The 86th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, Colorado Birds 58(3), Summer, 125-132, 2024.
Highlights: This report documents the first, fifth and sixth records of Black Vulture, the 2nd record of Limpkin, the 5th records of Brambling and Hooded Oriole, the 5th and 6th records of Cassia Crossbill, the 6th records of Harlequin Duck and Pyrrhuloxia, and the 8th record of Common Ground Dove.
The 87th Report of the CBRC
Gent, Peter R: The 87th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, Colorado Birds 59(1), Winter, 13-21, 2025.
Highlights: This report removes Hoary Redpoll from the state list because it was lumped with Common Redpoll. Also, Golden-fronted Woodpecker is added to the state list. which remains at 520 species. Also documented are the second state records of Vaux's Swift, White-tailed Kite, Cactus Wren and Yellow Grosbeak, the sixth record of Brambling, the seventh and eighth records of Black Vulture, and the seventh record of Cassia Crossbill.